Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.If you regularly attend HOC5 worship services and fellowship, we'd love to get to know you! Please fill out the form to have your contact information included in our directory. 如果你固定參加基督之家第五家主日崇拜及團契,歡迎你提供通訊資料以便刊登在我們的通訊錄上。 Phone 戶長電話號碼 *This phone number will be used as your family ID.戶長的電話號碼將被用做家庭的代碼Family photo 家庭照片I'll upload the photo now. 我現在上傳照片I'll have my photo taken at church, 使用我在教會書店拍的照片I'll bring my photo to church bookstore. 我會拿照片到教會書店Family Last Name 英文姓 *Family contact information will be published in alphabetical order of the last name. 通訊錄資料將依英文姓(A-Z) 來排列。Upload family photo 上傳家庭照片 Click or drag a file to this area to upload. .jpg, .png, 1mb maximum Family Member 1 English Name 1 *FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 1Email 1Phone 1 Email 3 English Family Member 2 English Name 2FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 2Email 2Phone 2More family members? 更多家庭成員?Yes, add more family members Family Member 3 English Name 3FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 3Email 3Phone 3 Family Member 4 English Name 4FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 4Email 4Phone 4 Family Member 5 English Name 5FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 5Email 5Phone 4 (copy) Family Member 6 English Name 6FirstLastChinese name 中文姓名 6Email 6Phone 6Submit