FAQ 常見問題

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What’s the difference between “童子軍” and “童軍”?
Boy Scout 在2008年之前稱為「童子軍」,但自2008年起,世界各地的華人童軍總會聯合將中文名稱正式改為童軍。中國並非世界童軍組織的會員國,目前在中國境內仍然有許多機構以舊名稱「童子軍」為名作為商業牟利的工具。真正的童軍是非營利機構。 “Boy Scout” was translated as “童子軍” before 2008. The new Chinese translation is “童軍”. Some people still use the old term 童子軍 in China. Since China is not a WOSM member, There is no NSO (National Scout Association, 童軍總會) in China and they have no contact with other NSOs and the World Organization. All scouting organizations in China are local business operating for profit.
Q: 童軍就是玩戶外遊戲及參加營會嗎?
Q: Boy Scout is about outdoors and camp, right?
其實戶外遊戲及參加營會只是童軍活動的一部分,大部分的時間孩子們是從活動中學習生活知識、團隊精神及如何成為一個智仁勇三者兼備的好公民。 Outdoors and camps are only part of Boy Scout activities. Young people in the Scouts learn social skills and team spirits, build character and become a good citizenship via indoor and outdoor activities.
Q: 童軍到底都在做什麼?
Q: What do scouts do?
童軍的主要目的是向青少年提供他們在生理、心理和精神上的支持,培養出智仁勇三者兼備的公民,希望將來這些青少年可以回饋社會並對社會有所貢獻。童軍活動鼓勵孩子奉獻、服務,以及在身體、心理上磨鍊自己,對自然環境,對國家,對社區,對人有服務貢獻之心,同時學會如何與成人應對,勇敢表達自己。 Young people in the Scouts take part in an exciting program of activities from kayaking to coding. They develop character skills like resilience, initiative and tenacity; employability skills such as leadership, teamwork and problem solving; and practical skills like cooking and first aid.
Q: 參加幼童軍485團的年齡要求?
Q: What’s the age limit for joining Pack 485?
485團接受小學一年級至五年級的男女學童報名參加。 Pack 485 accepts boys and girls in 1st to 5th grade.
Q: 我們不是基督徒,可以參加幼童軍485團嗎?
Q: We are not Christians, can we join Pack 485?
當然可以!雖然485團是由基督之家第五家成立的幼童軍團,但我們歡迎不同信仰的家庭參加。 Of course! Pack 485 was chartered by Home of Christ Church in Cupertino but we welcome families from different religion to join us.
Q: 女生可以參加幼童軍485團嗎?
Q: Can girls join Pack 485?
可以的。自2018年起,美國幼童軍開始接受女生參加。 Yes. Cub Scout packs start accepting girls in 2018.
Q: 你們有固定的聚會地點嗎?一般活動的地點在哪裡?
Q: Where is the location of your pack meetings and den meetings?
我們例行的團集會(Pack Meeting)及小隊會議(Den Meeting)在基督之家第五家舉行。但是戶外活動如野餐、露營、射箭等則依活動地點而定。 Our regular Pack Meeting and Den Meeting take place at the Home of Christ Church in Cupertino. Other outings such as picnic, camping, or archery take place at various locations.
Q: 幼童軍的孩子多久聚會一次?在甚麼時間聚會?
Q:How often do Cub Scouts meet? When do you meet?
我們例行的團集會(Pack Meeting) 通常是每個月兩次,在週六下午2:00pm舉行。團集會之後會有小隊會議(Den Meeting),孩子們按年齡分到不同的教室上課及活動。另外,團及小隊有時會安排外出活動來取代室內的集會。 Pack 485’s pack meeting is held for all Cub Scouts and their families roughly twice a month on Saturdays at 2pm followed by the den meetings . Beyond that, a den may hold a special activity, such as a service project or visit to a local museum, in place of one of the den meetings. Likewise, a pack may conduct a special event such as picnic, or overnight outing.
Q: 孩子參加幼童軍,家長需要投入多少時間當義工?
Q:How much time do I have to volunteer per month?
童軍活動並不是Day Care或者課後班,我們也沒有僱用保母來照顧孩子,所有活動及課程都靠家長們來幫忙完成。從擔任團長 (Cubmaster) 、小隊長(Den Leaders),活動執行 (Adult in Charge, AIC),或者團務委員 (Committee Members) 等,有的只要每個月兩三個小時,有的每星期兩三個小時,每個家庭可以按自己的能力來服務。 Cub Scout is not a day care service or after school program. We don’t hire babysitters to take care of your child.  All activities and program were conducted by parents. Volunteer positions include Cubmaster, den leaders, AIC (adult in charge), committee members, etc. Some of them require a few hours a week, some might take just a mere a few hours a month. You can choose the one that fits you.