We will send you a receipt at the end of the year. For question about donation, please contact us.
這個付款方式直接從您的手機來付款。第一次使用時需要填入信用卡資料,之後就不需要再填寫。只要用手機將奉獻金額 text 到 (833) 948-2229,即可輕鬆完成奉獻。
GivePlus provides an easy way for you to donate with your phone text message. You can simply text “$xx” to (833) 948-2229 (xx is the dollar amount) to give. You will be asked to provide your credit card info when texting for the first time.
使用方法 GivePlus Instruction
Receiving institution: Charles Schwab & Co.
Account no. 8767-5768
DTC #0164, Code 40
– 王向紅長老 (Xiang Hong Wang, xhwang777@gmail.com)
– 劉燕萍姊妹 (Yen Ping Liu, ypliu@pacbell.net)